War on Men - Paul Curtman | EV RERun

Heroes Wanted - A podcast by Joe Prim


Well, I screwed up and lost the audio for my last two interviews. Two! I know, I know, but my mistake is your gain. I dug deep into the archives of my previous podcast, Ever Vigilant to find one of my favorite episodes. One of the benefits to doing a podcast for so long is the treasure trove of content hidden in the deepest recesses of my hard drive. This conversation was based on an article by Paul Curtman. The article blew my mind the first time I read it and Paul was kind enough to join me on EV to talk about it. I believe that this podcast will surprise you as you realize that there is nothing new under the sun.Paul Curtman is a veteran of the U. S. Marine Corps, where he served in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and the Global War on Terror as an infantry squad leader. He is also an author and frequent speaker at political events having spoken all across the nation from Washington DC to Los Angeles.Paul is a strong advocate for personal freedom, sound financial principles and free markets. He is a Fellow at the Club for Growth, a Washington D.C. based non-profit charitable organization formed to educate the public about the value of free markets and pro-growth policies.Paul Curtman - Paulcurtman.comWar on Men Article - https://paulcurtman.com/a-war-on-men-king-cyruss-guide-to-national-enslavement-2/I also mention Rick Bennett and my botched conversation with him, he will be rescheduled but in the mean time check out his devotional book available on Amazon. Send Me by Rick Bennetthttps://www.amazon.com/SEND-Devotional-Enforcement-Responders-Personnel/dp/B08WJW8QLW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2CGH3OLG9OQX1&keywords=rick+bennett&qid=1636316845&sprefix=rink+benn%2Caps%2C841&sr=8-1