Ep. 295 HRT's Impact On Women's Health Through Time

Everyday Wellness - A podcast by Everyday Wellness: Cynthia Thurlow, NP

Step into a world of insight and expertise with me today as I dive into a captivating conversation with Dr. Deb Matthew, affectionately known as the Happy Hormone Doctor!  A remarkable best-selling author, international speaker, devoted educator, and a multitasking mother of four boys, Dr, Matthew brings a wealth of knowledge to the forefront.  In this episode, we unravel the complexities surrounding oral contraceptives as hormone replacement therapy in perimenopause and menopause. We navigate the intricate web of effects these medications pose and shed light on the pivotal role of specific lab tests in understanding the phases of womanhood.  Join Dr. Matthew and me as we explore the nuanced realm of premature menopause and delve into the significance of testosterone in hormone replacement strategies. Our discussion also encompasses the profound connection between cognitive well-being and the often-overlooked genitourinary symptoms of menopause.  This episode is the first segment of a two-part podcast series with Dr. Matthew. Join us as we embark on an illuminating expedition into the domain of women's health and uncover strategies ranging from cutting-edge medical interventions like PRP lasers and acoustic wave therapy to the realm of energy medicine. IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Why are oral contraceptives being used in menopausal women? What are oral contraceptives? Why oral contraceptives are not a replacement for hormone replacement therapy The disruptive effect of birth control pills How to know if you are in perimenopause The importance of getting a baseline on hormones. Early menopause and ovarian failure What is the differentiator between bioidentical and synthetic hormones?  The importance of testosterone for women Hormone replacement and sexual health The changes that happen in women’s brains as they age The power of the one About Dr. Deb Matthew: Dr. Deb Matthew MD, The Happy Hormones Doctor, is a best-selling author, international speaker, educator, wife, and mom of four boys. After suffering for years from fatigue and irritability due to hormone imbalances, her quest to resolve her personal health led her to change everything about her practice of medicine. She has been featured on national podcasts, radio, and broadcast shows, including NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX. Her books, This Is NOT Normal! and Why Can't I Keep Up Anymore? address hormone health in women and men. Connect with Cynthia Thurlow Follow on Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn Check out Cynthia’s website Submit your questions to [email protected] Connect with Dr. Deb Matthew On her website On Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Get a copy of Dr. Matthew’s book, This is Not Normal: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance, on Amazon, or download a free copy at www.isityourhormones.com.