Everything Always Episode 97: Balancing Business and a Blended Family with Karyn Glemaud
Everything Always - A podcast by Michael and Summer Mulder

Bringing a new person into your child’s life can be confusing and difficult for both you and your child, but there are ways to do it with love and understanding. Karyn Glemaud joins us on the show today to give us some great ideas for how to make the blending process go more smoothly from the start of dating all the way through marriage and moving in together. Karyn is an entrepreneur, student, and children’s book author who co-wrote a book with her son. She shares from her own experience in a very blended family and discusses how she encourages communication, listening, and empathy—but also firmness through the whole process. You will also get to hear about why she decided to write a book and the impact of this book on her own blending experience. 1:40 – 3:50 – Who Karyn is and her experience in business and writing about a blended family. 3:51 – 8:49 – Why she decided to move to New Zealand and write a book with her son. 8:50 – 11:07 – Insight on when and how to introduce your children to someone new. 11:08 – 14:39 - The importance of sharing relationships the right way. 14:40 – 24:44 – How to make sure everyone feels important and valued in a blended family. 24:45 - 30:49 – How to deal with the pressure of business, a busy life, and guilt while handling a blended family. 30:50 – 33:54 – The learning curve of business success and blending families. 33:55 – 38:48 – Where to find Karyn's book and other resources. Takeaways: Figuring out the timing of allowing children to meet a new partner. The importance of location. Why it’s key to listen to the child’s feelings but also stand firm. How to ensure everyone feels valued. Handling the guilt and pressure that comes with being a mom and a business owner. Quotes: “I encourage people to not be afraid and to lead with love.” - Karyn “Ultimately, I think it’s important for you to find love and be able to share that with your children. Your children should see a good example of a loving relationship.” - Karyn “There’s no right answer, and every child will respond differently.” - Summer 3 Interesting Clips: 6:09 – 6:30 – How her son became her co-author. 9:42 – 10:24 – Validating your child’s feelings while still being firm. 11:12 – 11:45 – The importance of being an example and sharing the right things with your children. Links: Karyn Glemaud: Website | Facebook Mommy’s New Friend by Karyn Glemaud Text us: 760-389-3722 Send us an anonymous letter Subscribe & Review in iTunes! Are you subscribed to our podcast? If not, we would strongly suggest you do. This way you won’t miss a thing! Subscribe here: Everything Always And now for the pretty please with a Bordeaux Maraschino Cherry on top. We would be so incredibly grateful if you left us a review on for Everything Always as well. This will help other parents and families like you find our podcast. Plus, it’s fun for Mike and I to sit and read them together on date night! Just click here, click open in iTunes, select “Ratings and Reviews”, tell us your favorite moment and best take away and we will send a huge cyber hug and kiss right to you! Find the Everything Always Podcast wherever you listen! Apple Podcasts (iTunes) acast Pocketcasts ListenNotes Spotify player.fm