Carter Buschardt - The Stranger Aspects of Sasquatch...

Unity Manifest - A podcast by Gary Cocciolillo

I have been researching Sasquatch for well over a decade. I have led expeditions into the deep forests of America. I have seen them, heard them, and seen incredible physical evidence of their actual existence. I have also interviewed over 200 witnesses and counting. They have told me some fascinating events, some of which defy logic. Yet, I continue to hear these claims over and over. A pattern of behavior and possible esoteric skill sets has emerged, and these HAVE to be investigated, and should at least be CONSIDERED by anyone calling themselves a researcher. I am not saying you must believe, but at least consider that perhaps, some of what you hear might actually be happening. These witnesses, and the public, need your open mind. I have led four public expeditions, consulted on 2 Finding Bigfoot TV shows for Animal Planet, had close to 100 reports published to a well known Sasquatch page and I continue to physically monitor ongoing Sasquatch activity at multiple public & private locations.