Claudia Trivelas - Astrology Perspective from the Planets

Unity Manifest - A podcast by Gary Cocciolillo

Claudia Trivelas provides an eclectic synthesis of a broad body of knowledge from many spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical traditions that is exemplified in her writings, workshops, podcasts and one on one counseling sessions. As a practicing astrologer for more than 50 years, she is well versed in both traditional and modern astrological principles. She has touched the lives of many thousands of clients both in the United States and abroad with her insights and unique perspective that cultivate self-awareness and self-empowerment. Claudia recently authored The Astrology Guide: Understand Your Signs, Your Gifts and Yourself where she builds upon the basics of traditional astrology and includes interpretations of the newly discovered Dwarf Planets and important asteroids. She, along with other forward thinking astrologers, believe that new planetary bodies are discovered when we are ready to embrace the new consciousness influenced by that planetary body into our existing consciousness. Graduating from Boston U with a degree in psychology and mathematics prepared her well to become an astrologer. She was mentored by astrology luminaries who include Isabel Hickey and Charles Emerson, a cosmobiologist and founder of the Uranian Society. You can find her New Moon and Full Moon updates on social media and online at