Kaedrich Olsen - Runes, Philosophy and Reality..

Unity Manifest - A podcast by Gary Cocciolillo

Kaedrich Olsen has been an ardent student of Old Norse literature and spirituality, concentrating upon the runes and mysticism from an early age. These studies helped him to uncover secrets lying at the heart of Norse mysticism which directly correlate to modern understandings of the psyche and behavior. This led to the writing of his first book, Runes for Transformation. Music has always been an integral part of Kaedrich’s life. Taking lessons at a very young age and learned to read music before reading words. Over the years, he learned to play many different instruments. All the while, he has always maintained a keen awareness of the effect music had on people’s spiritual, emotional and physical well being. This inspired him to look into sound healing and sacred music and integrate that into his musical workings titled, GaldraKraft. His ongoing spiritual work gives clarity and guidance through the trials and tribulation of life in the 21st century.