Miss Aida - Deep Dive into Hoodoo Magick and Intention...

Unity Manifest - A podcast by Gary Cocciolillo

About Miss Aida Author and teacher, Miss Aida was born into a Cuban family who practiced Santeria, Palo, and Brujeria. The practice of magic has always been a part of her life. Miss Aida is a natural born medium and a Hoodoo practitioner, in addition to having received many initiations in Santeria and Palo. She is a registered nurse and a proud United States Air Force veteran. Miss Aida also holds a Master’s of Science degree. A renowned authority on Hoodoo, she is available for workshops, seminars, media presentations, as well as private psychic readings. Find her at www.MissAida.com Come chat with Miss Aida at: Facebook.com/MissAidaPsychic