Ep. 58: How can we support LGBTQ+ parents?
Evolutionary Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Tracy Cassels, PhD

When it comes to parenting, there are thousands of books with myriad bits of advice for soon-to-be-parents and those who are already parents and facing some kind of struggle. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming when we think of all the bits of advice out there. One would think we don't need more, right? But what if you are a parent who just can't see yourself in any of these books or pieces of advice? What if you just aren't represented? This has been the reality for many LGBTQ+ parents and hopeful parents when they browse the books that are incredibly heteronormative. And as we all know, when you aren't represented, it's hard to know where to turn or to feel like you're even supposed to be a parent. Joining me this week is Dr. BJ Epstein Woodstein to discuss her new book "We're Here: A Practical Guide to Becoming a LGBTQ+ Parent" where she not only offers advice for those who have not be previously represented, but also advice for the rest of us on how we can support everyone in their parenting journey. Dr. Epstein Woodstein: https://www.bjwoodstein.com/ We're Here, the book: https://stores.praeclaruspress.com/were-here-a-practical-guide-to-becoming-an-lgbtq-parent-by-b-j-woodstein/ The Newman Goldfarb protocol: https://www.asklenore.info/breastfeeding/induced_lactation/protocols4print.shtml A list of some LGBTQ+-relevant parenting books (some better than others): https://mombian.com/product-tag/parenting-guide/