Expand your identity by incorporating many worldviews

Evolving Spiritual Practice - A podcast by bodyheartmindspirit

In this conversation with Jeff Salzman we explore how incorporating the three major worldviews of Traditionalism, Modernity and Postmodernity into ourselves can expand our identity, making us stronger, wiser and more empathetic. These three worlviews are tearing each other apart in the 'culture wars' out there in mainstream culture. This culture war is repeated inside the psyche of individuals too. We can heal these wounds by understanding and feeling the unique benefits of each worldview while moving away from their unique downsides. For more information on my work please check out www.bodyheartmindspirit.co.uk on facebook https://www.facebook.com/bodyheartmindspirituk For more information on Jeff Salzman's work please visit www.dailyevolver.com and the 'Daily Evolver' podcast Music by Ralph Cree https://soundcloud.com/ralphcree P and C owned Ralph Cree 2021