Voice Dialogue: the psychology of selves with Trilby Fairfax part 2

Evolving Spiritual Practice - A podcast by bodyheartmindspirit

Voice dialogue is a psychotherapeutic technique based on the view that we are composed of many sub-personalities or ‘voices’. That is why it is referred to as the psychology of selves as opposed to the mono-self view. Through the help of a facilitator we learn to speak in the 1st person from different ‘voices’, exploring their unique wisdom, benefits and downsides. Ultimately we discover we are not actually identified with any one of these sub-personalities but rather all of them held within awareness. Trilby Fairfax began her journey with voice dialogue over 40 years ago and has facilitated thousands of sessions. You can find Trilby’s website here: www.transformingdialogue.com For more information about my work please visit www.bodyheartmindspirit.co.uk To hear more of my music please visit my soundcloud page https://soundcloud.com/ralphcree My YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUfQp5jM16pPB7QX2zmMYbQ My Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/bodyheartmindspirituk/ My Evolving Spiritual Practice Podcast can be found on all major podcast platforms P and C owned by Ralph Cree 2021