EP 46 Terrorist Activity Prevention [Part 1]



Ami and I really had a blast putting this content together! He’s an extremely knowledgeable private security professional with a solid handle on many different aspects of the games we play in the industry. Terrorist prevention operations, counter surveillance, surveillance detection are really just a few things he is proficient at and conducting operations in the field on at an expert level. He is a public speaker and his book, “Surveillance Zone” has been an Amazon bestseller so it’s no wonder I was absolutely honored and very pleased when he agreed to come on our show. In this first episode, we dig deep into who he is as a person, his past, his background and the experiences that have brought him to the place he is currently at in his career. By the end of this episode, we begin talking about the subject matter that will consume part two of our conversation, “Terrorist Activity Prevention.” This episode and series are very interesting on many different levels as we dive into the real-world experiences and hard-hitting non-PC tactics of the Israeli methods of prevention and protection. The beautiful thing about these types of operations is that they are also applicable to virtually every different type of private security operation; so standby for some valuable real-world content and don’t worry we also recorded in the episode all about surveillance for those of you who follow Ami for those tactics as well. ENJOY! Background: An experienced security director, consultant, trainer, operator and published author of the #1 Amazon bestseller, Surveillance Zone. Over 15 years of military and private sector security experience, and a successful record of providing full-spectrum, high-end services to Fortune 500 corporations, foreign governments, foundations, nonprofit organizations, and wealthy individuals. Professional experience includes: security consultancy and risk assessments, terrorist activity prevention, surveillance, surveillance detection, Executive Protection, security training, intelligence gathering, full-spectrum facility security, special event security, low profile and covert security, metal detector operations, estate security, shareholder meeting security, electronic security systems coordination, public speaking, professional writing, executive presentations, account management, business development, recruiting, marketing and strategic planning. Links: https://protectioncircle.org Twitter https://twitter.com/protectioncirc LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ami-toben-316b9527/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/protectioncircle/ Book - Surveillance zone https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0728JYHL8/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1