EP 66: Recap and Transition



This season has been absolutely epic!!! I started this podcast out as a cool side project that I could use to hopefully get the word out about ways to do the job better. I simply wanted to make a contribution to the industry that has been so good to me but I knew that the contribution needed to be something that wasn't all about me. The podcast would give me a perfect platform to do that by seeking out other industry professionals who were doing amazing things in the private security game. I wanted to create something that would give other industry professionals the insight they need to survive and thrive doing what we do. I wanted to create something that would help others benefit from the conversations I wish I was able to have when I started on my first full-time executive protection detail at the age of 21 traveling the world and trying not to get fired. The podcast itself came out of the Facebook group but together they both worked synergistically in order to create a brand that I've come to realize is a very influential blessing to many in the private security game that is absolutely priceless... The groups on Facebook and LinkedIn are places where people are finding work, finding quality manpower and getting the information they need to level on a weekly basis. The podcast itself has emerged as the most listened podcast within the realm of private security and especially the executive protection space. I worked hard to make these things available but the credit really goes to all of you for listening, watching, liking and sharing this content in order to improve the quality of the game from us. Thank you so much for seeing the value in this work and selflessly spreading it around the industry as you have in order to help me in the endeavor to help us all when I'm doing what it is we love, protection. The private security industry is scheduled to double over the course of the next few years, there's more than enough for all of us to prosper and succeed in this market. I'm honored and humbled that you have all supported this work in the ways that you have and I'm genuinely looking forward to contributing the best I can as we move forward into the future of 2020 together. This brand has become vast and multifaceted so below you will find different ways to benefit from this work, stay plugged in and hopefully take your protection game to the next level as so many of us have been able to during our first year of production. My personal website and the home of all of my work https://byronrodgersmotivation.com Podcast website Executiveprotectionlifestyle.com Executive protection trained a success package https://www.executiveprotectiontrainingday.com The protector symposium replay https://www.protectorsymposium.com EPL Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/ExecutiveProtectionLifestyle/ EPL LinkedIn group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4039762/