Episode 100: The Professional Protector



If you’ve been with me this long I wanna say thank you. I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for going on this journey with me and this brand. I want you to know that there is so much more coming out of this shop that hopefully will improve the lives of all of us. I am on this journey with you and it is truly an honor. I don’t make these episodes because I think I’m anything special. In fact, if there is anything special about me is that I know I’m nothing special but I still want to contribute and so I use my creativity to find ways to do that in ways that will still give value to others. It’s been an honor elevating others through this platform both by amplifying their message and visibility in the industry, as well as by sharing high-quality content that helps people improve the level of the game they’re playing at. I’m genuinely looking forward to everything that is to come and I pray that this work remains valuable to all of you. In this episode I share some of my thoughts about what it takes to be a professional Protector. In the private security industry, there are many different types of protective agents but there’s one huge distinction I’ve seen consistently over the years. It is the one thing that definitely divides us from them but never closes the door on anyone who has the desire to elevate their game. I’ve talked about this before and I will probably talk about it again because I believe it makes all the difference. The difference could have something to do with nature because of the time of this podcast and after doing this for a few years now I genuinely believe in “protector DNA“ so maybe it has something to do with our genes. The measure distinguishing factor I see in agents these days is that to some of us private security/executive protection is a cool job and for others it truly is simply part of our lifestyle. It’s an honor and a crowning jewel to have a career that aligns with The person we are on the inside. This doesn’t mean that we necessarily always love the job but it means that the pre-requisite skills necessary to fulfill the various requirements of the job are supported by habits built into our daily, weekly, and monthly lives. Interestingly enough I’ve found that this lifestyle does not have only to do with physical abilities and combative but it also has to do with the rate and regiment of learning we implement in our lives in order to continually improve our software, a point I will speak about on another episode. In this episode, I’ll talk about the hard skills and habits behind what we do and why we do them. At the end of the day, many people get paid to do this job but very few are truly professional protectors in my opinion and make no mistake, I am still a student of the game. Train with protection Instructors who train the best in the world at the Protector Symposium 3.0. Go to https://www.protectorsymposium.com/​ To join my coaching program, go to https://www.executiveprotectiontrainingday.com/ Protector by nature and by trade Byron