Season 2 EP 6: Human Trafficking and the Satanic



Jason pillow is one of those rare men who’s doing everything he can to not only improve his life but also improve the lives of countless others he’s never met and owes nothing to. He and his wife have a corporate entity named Archangel Ministries and they specialize in snatching the innocent from the sex trade. This episode may not be easy to listen to, for many of us, but it has to do with the type of darkness that I believe, is for some of us who have been created strong enough to fight against. The stronger you are, the deeper into the darkness you can go to protect and rescue those who need you, in my opinion. We identify multiple sides to human trafficking, sex, slavery, and many other topics connected to this subject. The work that Jason and his wife do is truly righteous with regards to protecting others and the best part is simply that they are seeking people who are interested in what they are doing to re-create their model of provision and protection for those who can’t protect themselves and are caught up in “the life.” We must understand the enemy to understand how to best fight him and that’s what we do in this conversation. Enjoy!