Season 3 Episode 105: The Power of Stories

Tim Clemente is a living legend in many circles. While many of us have never known who he is or what he’s done he has impacted the world in his own way in a number of different elite fighting forces. He’s been an FBI special agent, swat team member, and an undercover drug smuggler assisting in the takedown of a major Mexican cartel. He’s been called one of the best terrorist hunters in the world and has been a subject matter expert on a number of major news outlets. Beyond all of this he’s also impacted Hollywood by acting as a creative consultant on films and TV series such as NCIS: Los Angeles, The Unit, Lie To Me, Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, and feature films, including Now You See Me, Smokin’ Aces 2 and Killer Elite. Tim has 2 film scripts currently in production/casting: .38 and Secret Soldiers. The information and experience Tim brought to this interview were astounding… It’s always an honor to talk to a man who’s been there, done it all, and is humble enough to continue contributing and trying to share. There’s something in this interview for every protector… ENJOY! Protector by nature and by trade Byron