Ep. 07 - Maggie Harrsen, Puakai Healing

EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™ - A podcast by To Be Magnetic™ - Fridays

On this episode of the EXPANDED Podcast, we welcome Lacy’s personal health expander Maggie Harrsen of Puakai Healing. Maggie shares her journey from severe illness to exploring allopathic treatment and finally finding healing and recovery by connecting back with nature. Maggie’s health journey also took her to Peru where she learned about energy healing and energy cleansing. These practices are what inspired her to build Puakai, to inspire everyone to trust in their own power to heal with support of the nature we have so readily available around us. Find the show notes for this episode, a video of the interview, and more by heading to tobemagnetic.com and clicking on the EXPANDED Podcast at the top.