Empty Nest, with Andrea Puck

Expat Family Connection - A podcast by Kim Adams - Mondays

How does life change when your kids have grown and left the house? And how might it be different than you expected when you’re a re-pat? “I was kind of torn between: I know she will make it, I know I gave her everything I could, everything to live a good life. And the other part was kind of like sorrow for myself. Since she’s the only child it felt like a loss. Deep sorrow. I can't even explain it.” In this episode we talk about Why Andrea still cleans her daughter’s room; How her identity as “mother” has changed; Ways their lifestyle abroad made it harder to let go - in surprising ways; and so much more. RESOURCES mentioned in the episode: Andrea says: “I’m looking for repats who’d love to tell their story about moving back to their passport country. It’s all about grasping the concept of home and the challenges you face when moving back home. I’ll publish these stories on my blog to inspire and motivate other people so they can see they’re not alone with their thoughts.” To participate in this project or just start a conversation with Andrea send her an email. adapt.succeed.together. 12-week group program starts February 15 - with a special bonus for those who sign up by February 1. Get more details and updates on the adapt.succeed.together. Facebook page. RATHER READ? I’ve got you covered with a transcript and blog post. ENJOYED THIS EPISODE? Take a screenshot and share it with your friends … tag @ResilientExpats. You might also like the full series on major life transitions: Episode 12 - Giving Birth Abroad, with Ana Cuchi Gracia Episode 13 - Death, with Cath Brew Episode 14 - Menopause, with Jane Ordaz Episode 15 - Nutrition & Healthy Living, with Angela Warm ABOUT TODAY’S GUEST: Andrea is married and the mother of a teenage daughter who just recently moved to the Netherlands to study. Now back in her home country, Germany, Andrea has experience living on 3 continents for over a decade. She understands the hassle of moving around and helps with getting settled in your home of choice by utilizing diverse Feng Shui methods. As an Imperial Feng Shui Consultant and member of the Expat Coach Coalition, she is facilitating a unique program tailor made for globally minded families. Combining the tools of Feng Shui with the methods of the Adapt & Succeed Abroad Program presents you with a fresh perspective not only on your living space but it also supports you mentally and emotionally. Home is an essential part of our life and it matters … no matter where. CONNECT with Andrea Puck: Email Andrea Website Andrea Puck - Feng Shui & Wellbeing Facebook group: The Repat Journey Community Facebook page: The Repat Journey ABOUT YOUR HOST: Kim Adams is an American raising three daughters along with her math-teaching husband of 20 years. She loves photography, reading, thunderstorms, walking on the beach, camping where there are no bugs, and has a weakness for mint chocolate chip ice cream. To set up a conversation with Kim to learn how she can support you, go to ResilientExpats.com/Booking. CONNECT WITH KIM:  Email  |  Resilient Expats LLC website  |  Facebook page  |  Free Parents Community on Facebook Apply Now for 1:1 Support to smooth your transitions & maximize your expat experience