You're Invited to TCKCon

Expat Family Connection - A podcast by Kim Adams - Mondays

This is a short message bringing you some updates, an invitation, and a story. All teen Third Culture Kids and their parents are invited to join a free conference. Socialize with other TCKs, learn from professional speakers, and have the chance to share your own experiences in this community building event. Also in this episode: what else I've been up to ways to connect a personal story that illustrates why I do this work. RESOURCES mentioned in the episode:  TCKCon, a free conference for teen Third Culture Kids and their parents, via Zoom on April 24 from 10:30am-12:30pm EDT - If you missed the enrollment for adapt.succeed.together., I invite you to  Schedule a conversation with me; Join our weekly expats.together. free drop-in chats; Follow the adapt.succeed.together. Facebook page for ongoing updates. RATHER READ? I’ve got you covered with a transcript and blog post. ENJOYED THIS EPISODE? Take a screenshot and share it with your friends … tag @ResilientExpats. ABOUT YOUR HOST: Kim Adams is an American raising three daughters along with her math-teaching husband of 20 years. She loves photography, reading, thunderstorms, walking on the beach, camping where there are no bugs, and has a weakness for mint chocolate chip ice cream.  To inquire how Kim can support you, send an email or use the contact form. CONNECT WITH KIM:  Email Resilient Expats LLC website Facebook page Free Parents Community on Facebook Apply Now for 1:1 Support to smooth your transitions & maximize your expat experience