August 4th 1914 - the Reichstag votes for war

Explaining History - A podcast by Nick Shepley


In August 1914, German leaders of the SPD, including the anti war Hugo Hasse accepted the inevitability of conflict and voted against their principals of internationalism and solidarity. The fear of the Rusian army invading Germany, or of state repression against political parties viewed as treacherous or disloyal created the illusion of unity. Elsewhere, the Kaiser appeaeld to all parties as 'Germans' to come together in a spirit of national unity and many Germans adopted a seige mentality, believing the Reich to be surrounded by enemies. The notion of the burgfried, or 'peace within the fortress' was widespread, as Germans set aside class conflicts temporarily as a wave of patriotic sentiment swept aside all other considerations. This harmony would not last, however, and by 1916 the temporary social truce had broken down. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.