WOMEN'S ORGASMS CAN LAST FOR HOURS and Can Give Women Altered States of Consciousness
Explore Ecstatic Sensuality - A podcast by Explore Ecstatic Sensuality

Within the past thirty years or thereabouts novel phenomena were defined and coined as “expanded orgasm” (EO) and “expanded sexual response” (ESR) in a minority of women. ESR was defined as (quote) “being able to attain long lasting and/or prolonged and/or multiple and/or sustained orgasms and/or status orgasmus that lasted longer and were more intense than the classical orgasm patterns defined in the literature.” Unquote. The duration of EO and ESR varied from woman to woman, lasting starting from a couple minutes to hours or even days. In the literature, the highest number of orgasms in a woman recorded by Dr. William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian wasreported to be 134 per hour. This reminds me of something I was ruminate about in my recent episode on Ancient Tantric Sex Rites: Ancient Tantric scholar Sha-hi-dullah observes, "in accordance with the mystical language of the Do-ha-kosas, we may explain maithuna (orgasm) as the union of lotus (padma) and thunder (vajra), as realization of the state of emptiness (vajra equals sunya) in the plexus of the cerebral nerves (padma). We may understand “girl” as emptiness. But can one not turn that around and say that if woman is emptiness she, unlike man, is every possibility, contains every possibility – and therefore is infinite? Woman, absolutely unlike man, is capable of experiencing infinite sexual pleasure – an infinite number of types of orgasms. When we speak of emptiness the word which comes immediately to mind is the oft-used philosophical term “the void.” For French philosopher Alain Badiou, who was influenced by Jacques Lacan, reality is grounded on a ‘void’ of ‘inconsistent multiplicity’, which is at once void and excess. This would not be Badiou’s view, nor Lacan’s certainly, however one might suggest that woman is such a void of inconsistent multiplicities which is both void and excess. A divine excess, a cosmic excess. In expanded orgasms or ESR orgasms, more pleasure input is carried through many loci and many pathway systems, such that at least two or more orgasm reflex pathways are activated at the same time, while many other loci and pathways carry lots of supplementary information into the brain, such that orgasmic response is stronger, more intense, prolonged and more pleasurable, lasting for from a couple of minutes to tens of minutes, or even hours.