E44: Instrumental Music in Worship pt 1 - Kevin (2012) vs. Kevin (2015/21)

Exploring Faith, Pursuing Grace - A podcast by Daniel Rogers - Thursdays

Kevin is BACK! And upon his return we begin a discussion on a topic that has been requested by many of our listeners; is it unscriptural or sinful to use musical instruments in worship to God? One of the defining characteristics of the Church of Christ is the utilization of acapella singing in worship. As Kevin and Lee both have a long history within the Churches of Christ, both have held the conviction that God does not desire nor does the Bible authorize the use of musical instruments in worship to him within the New Covenant era. It goes without saying that both Kevin and Lee's perspective on this topic has changed, and this episode is part one of a three part series that discusses why their perspective has changed on this topic. In 2012, Kevin engaged in his final formal debate of his preaching career with Jason Weatherly. In this episode, we take audio from Kevin's first affirmative, and much like the 2019 Avengers had to contend with a time-travelling 2014 Thanos, Kevin and Lee 'debate' with 2012 Kevin.  This episode was a blast to record, and we hope our audience enjoys what becomes a lively discussion, especially in part 2. Have questions? Requests? Thoughts or insights to share? Holler at us at [email protected]   Thanks for listening!