Shakti Softness

Express Your SELF! - A podcast by Kirbanu

This episode is full of juicy information about shakti insights, where Kirbanu gives you some insight that might help you get through this holiday season. The holiday season is a time when we are sometimes pressured into being consumeristic, triggered by our families, and maybe even indulging too much in food and alcohol. A time where we sometimes neglect our softness and forget to connect to the powerful shakti energy within us. This holiday season Kirbanu invites you to just say, No. Walk away from the expectations and embrace your softness, create space for the unknown and feel the feminine energy within you. To start off this episode Kirbanu shares a powerful experience she had of reaching a posture that she never thought she would be able to get into in her yoga practice. And how this posture represented so much more than just a shape. That she felt soft, and was able to connect to her strength and stability and femininity. This experience allowed Kirbanu to see the true importance in shakti softness and slowing down. When we have softness and flexibility in our everyday lives, and stop getting forced into this society's need to push ourselves and complete more things, we can achieve more. There is power in softness. So if you are interested in shakti energy and embracing your softness this is the episode for you! The podcast for: Creativity, Spirituality & Self-Expression Your podcast for creativity, spirituality & self-expression. Why? Because you are unique, your message is unique, and the world needs to hear what you have to say! Each episode is packed with inspiring stories and practical tools for tuning within, overcoming challenges and letting your voice out! You'll hear interviews with fellow, creative-biz women in the world of wellness and spirituality, who've found their voice and are using it with impact! Plus I share my personal anecdotes along with exercises from my online voice, self-expression & business courses. Who am I? Kirbanu, an Australian mantra musician, voice trainer and empowerment coach. In the last 8 years I’ve given over 700 concerts, workshops and masterclasses across Europe and Australasia, have released 4 albums,  21 EPs and music singles, and have performed at over 20 festivals. I understand the necessity of needing to express ourselves clearly, confidently and in a way that's in alignment with our body, mind and soul. In my online courses and 1-to-1 voice coaching sessions, I fuse vocal science with empowerment techniques to teach my clients how to use their voice with confidence and impact. It's my deep passion to share these practical techniques with you, so you too can experience the transformative power of Expressing Your SELF freely and of sharing your unique message with the world! Find out more Spotify, i-Tunes & Apple Music @kirbanu