Sarah J. Bohnenkamp: Chief Trailblazer of Epic Conversations in Industry, Organizations and Lives Leading Impactful Change – 084
Extraordinary Women Radio - A podcast by Kami Guildner - Thursdays
What a beautiful gift to close out our 2018 Extraordinary Women Radio series with one of my favorite strategic partners and closest friends, Sarah J. Bohnenkamp as my guest!
She’s the perfect changemaker to end 2018 on a big high energy. That is Sarah – big high energy! Sarah is the Chief Trailblazer of some pretty epic conversations taking place in industry, global organizations and the professional and personal lives of many.
Sarah is becoming a key global figure on important issues such as antimicrobial resistance and improving how we produce food. This Fall Sarah, helped host a global conference on Beef Sustainability in Ireland, attended by representatives from 25 countries. She loves the tough challenges and bringing all the voices to the table. Earlier in the year, she visited the Centers for Disease Control with a group of beef producers to talk about antimicrobial resistance.
This is a great interview as we jam about topics that really matter for our world - sustainability and food production, and how Sarah found her way into leading some of these amazing conversations that are critical for the future of our world!
We also both share our personal stories of following our flow and listening to our inner wisdom that guided us to make important decisions in our former business partnership. We haven't fully told this story like this. I honor our collaborative relationship and the true love that we hold for one another. I can't wait to share this with you.
We tell story around leadership and communication, spirit, nature and of course, horses and mystical synchronicity. I love this interview and I think you will too.
Sarah is a coach and consultant who helps business leaders and organizations cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, establish authentic and purposeful branding, and design sustainable marketing and business management systems.
Her approach leverages the power of pop-culture, the ancient wisdom of horses and nature, and the gorgeous, natural strengths and talents of her clients to design leadership and communication strategies that make massive impact. She loves talking social media, strategies that are cutting through the noise to reach today’s Netflix Nation, leading with a service-heart, and working through fear.
"Do an assessment of who you are from the inside out. It is so important to understand your brand. Not just in your mind, but to actually put language to it. " ~Sarah J. Bohnenkamp
Sarah will be one of our Circle of Inspiration Facilitators at the January 22nd Extraordinary Women Connect event. She will be joined by Michelle Vos and Deberah Bringelson on our panel where we are going to discover what quantum physics and spirit has to do with business success! I can't wait to for this event!
You can learn more about Sarah - aka Social Sarah on any of her social channels including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.