What to Do if You Suffer Double Vision

eyeClarity Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Sam Berne - Holistic Eye Health

Here is a session I had with a patient who was suffering from double vision. In the first session, I recommended some physical therapy exercises and yoked prisms, but she was struggling with the program. So, we had another session where I laid out some important principles for her and anyone else suffering from double vision on the road to recovery. Enjoy the show. If you want more, sign up for my newsletter at: www.drsamberne.com. If you have any questions, submit them to [email protected] or you can now text me! Text ‘Join’ to 1-844-932-1291 to join the community and ask your questions!   SUMMARY KEYWORDS prisms, eye, vision, bead, double, left, awareness, exercises, glasses, feel, notice, touch, suppression, parasympathetic, moving, closer, internal, questions, string, suppressing   00:05 Hello, everyone, it’s Dr. Sam, I’d like to welcome you to my EyeClarity podcast. This is a show that offers cutting edge information on how to improve your vision and overall wellness through holistic methods. I so appreciate you spending part of your day with me. If you have questions, you can send them to [email protected]. Now to the latest EyeClarity episode.   00:29 Now to the latest I clarity Episode   00:44 Hey, everybody, welcome to the show today. So you're gonna get a peek into a session I did recently with a patient who's suffering double vision. And in session one, I gave her some physical therapy exercises, I also recommended some prism glasses, my famous yoked prisms, and she was struggling with the program. So she sent me some emails and had some questions. They said, Hey, let's just do another session. So in the second session, I start off by asking her to check in with me. And then I lay out some principles that I feel are very important only for her but also anybody who's suffering double vision, what the road is to recovery. So I hope you enjoy the show. Thanks for tuning in. So   01:39 let's let's get a check in on sounds like you're having some struggles and your formula on gets getting some positive spin here. So   01:54 lay it all out for me.   01:57 So I noticed, first, let's start with like the brach string. I noticed with that, that my right eye is stable, but my left eye is like moving when I moved the string in and out. Like it's moving back and forth. But my right eye seems to be staying still. Or maybe my right eye is just more linear. And my left eye is doing like a curve around sort of thing. I think, from the exercises that I've been doing, it seems like my left dies the problem.   02:35 When I now that my I think I've been suppressing the left eye for a long time. And so now that I've been doing the exercise, it seems to be coming back, which is making the double worse. But that's like you said it's an intermediary step. And I agree with you completely, I have to have that one to see for them to work together.   02:54 And so now,   02:57 since the left is showing up, I've been trying to like, look at what the left eye sees, instead of what the right eye sees. Does that make sense.   03:06 And when I look at what the left eye sees, it moves closer to the right eye, so it's getting more in line with my right eye.   03:16 But I can only see what the left is, I always see double. But if I focus on a single thing that left I w...