Working with a Child Diagnosed With Strabismus

eyeClarity Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Sam Berne - Holistic Eye Health

I had a session with a concerned mother whose child was diagnosed with Strabismus. We work through what that means and steps she can take to help the child. Enjoy the show. If you want more, sign up for my newsletter at: If you have any questions, submit them to [email protected] or you can now text me! Text ‘Join’ to 1-844-932-1291 to join the community and ask your questions!   SUMMARY KEYWORDS eye, primitive reflexes, vision, called, crawling, moving, brain, turning, muscles, husband, alternating, walking, birth, movement, other words, stimulate, learn, development, experience, holistic   00:05 Hello, everyone, it’s Dr. Sam, I’d like to welcome you to my EyeClarity podcast. This is a show that offers cutting edge information on how to improve your vision and overall wellness through holistic methods. I so appreciate you spending part of your day with me. If you have questions, you can send them to [email protected].   00:29 Now to the latest EyeClarity episode   00:48 All right, so what would be your goals and objectives today? With our with our session?   00:56 Okay, what what do you what are you thinking about? I would like to focus on my my son Alexander is 18 months old. I think you could see him right there. Can you see him say hi? Yes, I can.   01:08 He's 18 months old. And I noticed since birth one of you I don't know if it's one or both or depending is looks like it's slightly off. I don't know if you receive the pictures I sent.   01:21 Just okay. And I attempted a golden I like an ophthalmologist but I kind of walked out politely because they just wanted to do too much dilate. I just didn't want to do that just yet. And I'm wondering if you could help assess what the problem might be. And if there's something natural or exercise or something holistic that could maybe be treated or   01:43 want to make sure it's not an issue and it's not going to get worse and you know, something I have to be ahead of.   01:50 Absolutely. So Alexandre is 18 months old. Is that Is that correct? Yes. Okay, and tell me a little bit about your gestation period, the birth process. Anything unusual there? I went through IVF for about eight years. I had him when I was 51. I actually carried him through to 37 weeks. And we were supposed to go to 40 i My pregnancy was fine. No issues. No you no nausea, no cravings, nothing. It's just up to 37 weeks. i My blood pressure was starting to elevate so my OB wanted to to take him out and we did a C section. He was born four pounds along the weight 15 ounces. And they said he was just under five pounds. So they had to put him in a NICU and they said it's because he had a little low blood sugar and low body temperature. We were both in the hospital for about five days. Me to regulate my blood pressure and then my son to regulate his body temp and his sugar. And then we released and since then he's you know, he's seeing a holistic pediatrician and he's taking vitamin D probiotic, and DHA and NACA what? He's been healthy hasn't been sick.   03:05 Great. Okay.   03:08 So, after the birth, brought him home, what is his? What is his mobility? Does he move around a lot? Is he on his tummy at all? Do you know what's kind of active mobile activities? Are you engaging with him when he was when he came home from the hospital or in general? Well, you know, after so he's 18 months.