Dr. Dave Schmitt and Patrick Wood Discuss Magnets, Vaccines and Technocracy

FactCheckVaccine.com - A podcast by Emmett Brown

Patrick Wood and Dave Schmitt discuss the latter's finding last Friday, June 4, 2021, that the speculation that the attraction of magnets to the human body is the result of some invasive process associated with the COVID vaccines, such as they are called, could be definitively ruled out. The presence of an injection site for the COVID vaccines is not necessary for the attraction of magnets to locations on the human body. Dave Schmitt discusses his hypothesis that a strong magnet, such as a neodynium magnet, most likely creates an orderly arrangement of myoglobin molecules and, thus, the ordering of the magnetic domains of the iron-containing heme groups of this molecule. Myoglobin is abundant in muscles containing many Type I fibers, which are slowly-contracting, long-enduring, oxidative fibers. These muscles, such as the deltoid (shoulder), upper pectoralis major (upper chest), trapezius (neck-shoulder-back), latissimus dorsi (flank to spine), erector spinae group (many muscles of the dorsal surface of the spine) and frontalis (forehead suspending the eyebrows and tissues of the face) are all anti-gravity muscles that can exhibit contractions over the course of even hours, thus the need for the oxygen reservoir of myoglobin molecules. Schmitt was also able to detect significant magnetization of certain flexor muscles of the forearm, particularly flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus and flexor carpi longus. This was not so for other muscles of the arm and only a minimal degree of magnetization on the extensor side of the arm could be detected. Preliminary analysis of the leg for magnetic attraction shows little effect, though some magnetization was found on the medial side above the ankle over flexor digitorum longus. All of the muscles listed are antigravity muscles and most are involved in protracted states of contraction facilitating posture. Patrick and Dave discuss the importance of being critical and skeptical as we, as Citizens, analyze the developments of technocracy, monetary matters and historical events. There are so many concerning changes that are occurring regarding genetically-modifying injections, the loss of free speech, tax harvesting and land-grabbing by powerful, globalist forces. These changes threaten freedom and human dignity and identity itself---all requiring attention, study and counter-action, thus leaving little time for distracting fads. Dave Schmitt was awarded his doctoral degree for the study of the biomagnetic orientation and navigation in honeybees and the mechanisms giving rise to this novel sensory modality. Dr. Schmitt taught cadaver anatomy, physiology and zoology as well as working as a guest scientist at the Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology 2001-2004. You may contact Dave Schmitt at [email protected]