Dr. Peter McCullough on with Reiner Fuelmich [June 11, 2021]

FactCheckVaccine.com - A podcast by Emmett Brown

Dr. Peter McCullough on with Reiner Fuellmich [June 11, 2021]  This is important right to the end. Show this to anyone who has yet to get one or both mRNA shots. Dr. Peter McCullough is a professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine on the Baylor Dallas campus.  He practices internal medicine and Cardiology.  When the pandemic hit he refocused all his efforts on Covid-19.  He is the editor of reviews in cardiovascular medicine.  He is the editor of cardio-renal medicine and senior associate editor of American Journal of Cardiology.  President of the cardio-renal society and in his field about heart and kidney connections he is the most published person in his field in the world in history and he has developed a great experience in treating covid-19.   He published the two major treatment papers and has led the early treatment initiative in the United States so he has, whether people like it or not, declared his medical authority and doing this to a greater extent than anybody in the public health agencies or any other media doctors. For more helpful audio, videos and articles, please visit FactCheckVaccine.com