Dr Roger Hodkinson Talks To Anna Brees [June 11, 2021]

FactCheckVaccine.com - A podcast by Emmett Brown

Dr Roger Hodkinson is a board certified pathologist in the USA and Canada. He studied at Cambridge University in the UK before emigrating to Canada in 1970. He has held a number of leadership positions in his profession both in his own province of Alberta and nationally. His career has spanned general practice, community hospitals, academia, CEO of a large retail clinical laboratory and various other entrepreneurial activities in private medicine. Dr Hodkinson has a particular interest in molecular diagnostics – the science of identifying DNA for various cutting edge applications in real world medicine. He has spent 20+ years in the trenches of public health as an activist tackling head-on the biggest public health crisis of our time before the Covid epidemic, namely the predatory marketing of tobacco and governments reluctance to control it, and for which he was made Citizen of the Year in 1994. He is married to Nicole, has two grown up children and lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. For more helpful audio, videos and articles, please visit FactCheckVaccine.com