Trump Lawyer's Surprising 2024 'Supremacy Clause' Defense | Facts Matter

Facts Matter - A podcast by The Epoch Times

Among the many legal challenges that former President Donald Trump is facing, is the RICO case in Georgia, wherein state prosecutors are alleging that President Trump led a conspiracy to overturn the state’s 2020 election results. 🇺🇸 Epoch Times 25¢ Sale: Last Friday, there was a fascinating development in the case that perhaps revealed what the prosecution is really up to here in this case. There was a six-hour hearing in Fulton County, during which lawyers for the prosecution (as well as the lawyers for President Trump) argued about the timeframe of the trial. Here is the basic outline of what was revealed in this hearing: on the one side, you have Trump’s legal team trying to push this trial back as much as possible—ideally pushing it past the date of the 2024 election. And if President Trump were to win that election, the trial would effectively be pushed back for another four years after that. On the flip side, however, the state prosecutors are trying to set the trial date right before the election, and have the trial run essentially in tandem with the election, all the way through 2024, claiming that this will not impede President Trump’s ability to campaign. 🌽No Farmers No Food DVD: ---- Views expressed are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. 🇺🇸Roman's Special Offer👉 ⭕️ Support our fight for the truth👉