1552: Cultivation Story: My Long Journey of Searching for the Fa

Falun Dafa News and Cultivation - A podcast by Minghui Radio: Falun Gong / Falun Dafa

From the 2024 Florida Fa Conference, a pharmacist living in Florida shares how she had searched throughout her life for a true teaching. She was raised Catholic but left the church to explore other Christian faiths, and also became a Muslin for time, but all of these religions left her feeling empty. Finally discovering Dafa from books sent by her sister, she knew she had obtained the Fa. This and other stories from the Minghui website.Original Articles:1. My Long Journey of Searching for the Fa2. Letting Go of the Fear of Life and Death3. Overseas Practitioners Rescued Me from Detention4. The Importance of Respecting Master and Sincerely Believing in Dafa To provide feedback on this podcast, please email us at [email protected]