1572: Cultivation Story: Cultivating Myself to Become Selfless

Falun Dafa News and Cultivation - A podcast by Minghui Radio: Falun Gong / Falun Dafa

Presented at the 2024 Canada Fa Conference, a practitioner shares her breakthroughs with two major tribulations. The first was an attack on her body and physical well being, when she understood it was her sentient beings she is here to protect and save, the issue was resolved. The second was an attack of thought karma, overwhelming her thoughts with negativity. When she enlightened to Master’s Fa on denying all old force arrangements, she was able to improve. This and other stories from the Minghui website.Original Articles:1. Cultivating Myself to Become Selfless2. We Should Not Be Calculating To provide feedback on this podcast, please email us at [email protected]