Episode 4 - Getting to Know Reese Law
Family Matters with Reese Law - A podcast by Heartcast Media

In this episode, we learn all about the Reese Law office and the members and team that work so hard to make us successful. Join us as we look back at our history and dive into what makes our firm so special. Sponsor link: www.reeselawoffice.comKey Takeaways:0:00 Intro0:55 Mario talks about the team oriented culture of Reese Law2:14 Catherine also talks about the kind of culture she envisioned for her firm when she started it3:27 Catherine shares how her firm has achieved the goal of working as a team to serve their clients4:47 Mario explains how Reese Law meets the needs of their clients and why that is important5:56 Catherine talks about how she came about to having a masters in counseling and how it has come in handy for her and her career7:21 Mario talks about Reese Law attorneys being trained and certified and why that is important8:23 Catherine also adds how being trained equips you with the knowledge to come up with more innovative solutions that are accepted by the other side to help their clients9:14 Mario shares the importance of being organized and how that helps them as a firm to better take care of their client’s needs10:57 Mario talks about different roles of staffs that work in their firm, how important those roles are and how they help their firm serve their clients better13:03 Catherine shares the vision of her firm in the next 5 years in terms of solving their client’s needs15:51 Catherine talks about the types of feedbacks they get from clients after they've been represented by the firmShows Mentioned:www.reeselawoffice.comQuotes Mentioned:“Family law in court, the judges have limitations that are statutory and they cannot take careof every need that a family may have.”“Many clients are better served through not going to court, but instead using these alternativedispute resolution processes.”“Having everyone trained allows for much more flexibility, as opposed to other firms wheremaybe only one attorney in the firm is a mediator or collaboratively trained.”“What happens in a family case can affect the family as a whole.”Guests Social Media Links:https://www.reeselawoffice.com/mario-e.-williams.htmlhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/mario-williams/Episode Sponsor – Reese Law:A Fairfax, VA family law firm serving Northern Virginia and Montgomery County, MD. Westrive to see our clients as emotionally, mentally and financially whole at the end of a familylaw dispute. You can find more information at www.reeselawoffice.com