How to Mitigate the Risks of Bias & Blind Spots with Neuroscience

Family Office Podcast - Private Investor & Investment Insights - A podcast by Richard C. Wilson, CEO of Family Office Club & Centimillionaire Advisors, LLC


In this insightful presentation, Sylvia Benito delves into the intricate world of hidden biases, blind spots, and the crucial importance of direct deal diligence. With a unique lens provided by neuroscience, Benito navigates through the complexities of human decision-making, shedding light on the unconscious factors that often influence our choices in business and beyond. Through illuminating examples and practical strategies, viewers are guided on a journey to understand and mitigate the risks associated with biases, ultimately empowering them to make more informed and equitable decisions. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring entrepreneur, this video offers invaluable insights to enhance your diligence process and foster a more inclusive and effective decision-making culture.------------Welcome to the "Private Investor Club - 4,000 Investors. Subscribe now to hear what our 4,000+ investors are allocating to and stay on top of trends related to structuring and closing deals.Our 17-year-old investor club, the Family Office Club, has 25 team members, and 11 million social followers, has closed on over $500M of transactions, has over 4,000 active investors, and hosts 15 live events a year.  To join our investor club as a capital raiser or CEO of a company needing capital to access our live community events, please visit https://FamilyOffices.comTo register with us as an investor to access live community events please visit