206 // Faith in the Digital Age: Discipling Generation Z with Jason Jimenez
HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms - A podcast by Katie Keene, Homeschool Strategy Coach, Special Needs Homeschool Mentor, Overwhelm Reducer, Christian Motherhood Mentor, Holistic Living Guru - Wednesdays

Do you have a child born between 1997 - 2012? THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU. You are parenting Gen Z. A massive percentage of Gen Z kids are turning away from the church and even from their family. Do not let this be your child! Have you ever wondered what sets Generation Z apart from previous generations? Or, perhaps you've pondered how to effectively communicate spiritual matters with Gen Z, especially when their beliefs are diverse and unique? Maybe you've even questioned how to approach conversations about spirituality with other parents, especially when their beliefs differ from your own, while raising Gen Z kids? These are not just questions; they are the gateway to understanding the unique challenges and opportunities that come with parenting Gen Z. We had a fabulous guest, Jason Jimenez, the author of the newly released book Parenting Gen Z, here to give us some insight and support into raising this unique generation under our roof. Here's a glimpse of what we covered: 1. Unique Characteristics of Generation Z: We unraveled the distinctive traits that set Gen Z apart, giving you a comprehensive understanding of this generation and how they perceive the world differently than previous ones. 2. Effective Spiritual Communication: We shared insights on how parents can engage in meaningful conversations about spirituality with Gen Z, even when their beliefs are diverse. We talked about practical tips to bridge the generation gap and create open, respectful dialogues. 3. Navigating Conversations with Other Parents: We explored strategies for approaching conversations about spiritual topics with other parents who may hold fluid or different beliefs from your own. Jason shares how to foster understanding and cooperation in the parenting community. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! Our segment provided valuable advice, actionable steps, and real-life stories to help you navigate these complex issues. We understand the challenges you face as parents, especially in the context of raising Gen Z kids, and we're here to support you on this journey. We hope this episode empowers you to build stronger connections with your Gen Z children, communicate effectively about spirituality, and find common ground with other parents. Remember, you're not alone on this parenting adventure. XOXO, Katie P.S. 10 Secrets To Homeschooling Your High Needs Child WITHOUT Losing Your Mind http://herhomeandheart.net/specialneeds TO REDUCE OVERWHELM: STEP 1) FEEL GOOD with CELLULAR ACTIVATORS familysuccess.lifevantage.com STEP 2) Be part of Community! https://urlgeni.us/facebook/HHAHGroup Step 3) Hacks, Coupons, Courses, Memberships, and FUN THINGS : https://bit.ly/m/HerHomeandHeart Want Your Question Considered For The Podcast? Leave me a message! https://www.speakpipe.com/Katie