138 // 5 Ways To Create Time For Your Spouse Even As An Overwhelmed Homeschool Mom

HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms - A podcast by Katie Keene, Homeschool Strategy Coach, Special Needs Homeschool Mentor, Overwhelm Reducer, Christian Motherhood Mentor, Holistic Living Guru - Wednesdays

Are you feeling worn thin, and have no time for your husband or yourself? Overwhelm with life has drained that spark you used to have? Are you finding that you feel a bit empty inside, and maybe even distant from your husband who you know truly loves you? But it’s a bit rough lately? As a busy homeschool mom, it can be difficult to manage everything that's going on in life and make time for your marriage. But it's essential to nurture your relationship with your spouse in order to cultivate a healthy marriage. As Christian parents, we want to honor the Lord in the way we manage our marriage, and our self care, but sometimes it feels overwhelming. This podcast episode dives into how busy moms can make time for their husbands and keep their relationships strong no matter how hectic life gets. We'll discuss 5 tips for setting aside quality time with your spouse, including putting away the phone, planning regular date nights, communicating regularly, making time for physical intimacy, and not forgetting about yourself. Listen in as we chat about ways you can nurture your marriage even when you're pulled in a million different directions. Nurturing as a lifestyle, the Charlotte Mason way, extends to every family member, not just the kids. This podcast will provide practical advice for staying connected with your spouse while homeschooling all those special kids and living a busy overwhelming life, so that both of you can feel supported and heard no matter what life throws at you! XOXO, Katie Need UNITY and PEACE at home? Sign up for a Mentorship Session: https://bit.ly/3Flo7oa -Or- Info, Testimonials, and a message from Katie here: https://herhomeandheart.net/coaching Want ENERGY? https://bit.ly/m/HerHomeandHeart More Health Info (plus RESEARCH) : https://www.biohackandactivate.com/explore Need Community or SUPPORT? Join our FB group! https://urlgeni.us/facebook/HHAHGroup Want Your Question Considered For The Podcast? Leave me a message! https://www.speakpipe.com/KatieK