120 // 7 Ways Home Stewardship Creates Safety and Peace For You and Your Family

HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms - A podcast by Katie Keene, Homeschool Strategy Coach, Special Needs Homeschool Mentor, Overwhelm Reducer, Christian Motherhood Mentor, Holistic Living Guru - Wednesdays

Has the world given you mixed messages about family life, and you find yourself feeling like an overwhelmed failure, no matter what you do? Does the weight of raising a healthy happy family almost crush you, because you have been told it all depends on you- and you have no time for yourself? What does God expect from me, as I raise my family and steward my home? Is it supposed to feel so overwhelming to me? Today we are chatting about 1) what a steward is, and 2) what the benefits are of being a good steward in motherhood, marriage, homeschool, and homemaking- for generations to come. This topic isn't taught widely, and sadly it's a mystery to many families. BUT- I believe you already have a lot of this in your heart, and you already have a desire to live in a way that both pleases God, and pleases YOU too! You just need it DEFINED for you. So, lets sort this out once and for all today, so you can have the clarity that you have been hoping for. There is peace in knowing exactly what is and is not expected of you as a parent. XO Katie PS For support overcoming your biggest homeschool challenge, or simply getting your homeschool started, book a Successful Homeschool Strategy Session! We will create a path to a less stressful and more JOYFUL homeschool where your family can THRIVE! Generationally Minded, LLC., Coaching TESTIMONIALS and a Message from Katie here: Her Heart & Home - Coaching PPS COME JOIN our amazing tribe! Holistic Living, Home Management, and Homeschooling for Christian... Movie: Like Arrows- (not an affiliate link) https://smile.amazon.com/Like-Arrows-Elizabeth-Becka/dp/B07JJ6HKW5/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1SXUGCEA9IRCK&keywords=like+arrows&qid=1670011896&sprefix=like+arrows%2Caps%2C70&sr=8-3