EP 24 Special Needs Spotlight: Defying Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Epilepsy, and Disability Opposition with Stacie and Mark Kisselman

HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms - A podcast by Katie Keene, Homeschool Strategy Coach, Special Needs Homeschool Mentor, Overwhelm Reducer, Christian Motherhood Mentor, Holistic Living Guru - Wednesdays

Welcome to the Family Success Secrets podcast!In this episode Steve and Katie Keene, our hosts, are joined by Mark and Stacie Kiselman. Stacie was born with Cerebral Palsy, but her parents did not raise her as "a kid with Cerebral Palsy." She worked hard, despite limitations, to live as a typical kid. As a young adult, she was involved in a car accident that caused her to have epilepsy. After struggling with depression, she turned to journaling as a coping method. This journal, 12 Years a Woman: My Journey to Happiness, eventually turned into a book - see purchase details below. Mark, has always loved Stacie. Her disabilities were never an objection for him, and neither was family opposition. His devotion to her is inspiring.You can find Stacie online at:Website: sikemployment.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/staciefreelanceninjaHer book, 12 Years a Woman: My Journey to Happiness, can be found at Amazon: https:www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08MHK2WMN/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&gid=1605147971&sr=8-3Enjoy the show:Receive a free SECRET to increased overnight success at:podcast.familysuccesssecrets.comBe sure to find Katie and Steve on social media! Family Success Secretshttps://www.instagram.com/familysuccesssecrets/https://www.instagram.com/katiekeene20/https://www.instagram.com/steve.keene7/ For Special Needs Families: Facebook Groups Katie Keene - Special Needs Family Coaching Katie Keene - Special Needs Family Coaching For ALL families!!!!We have a BRAND NEW Facebook Page for the podcast, where you can meet others to connect, and get great tips and updated news from Steve and Katie!Family Success SecretsTo book a Parent Support Session, a free 30-minute call: Family Success Secrets and The Greater Honor