129 // How To Stop Yelling- 3 Ways To STOP OVERWHELM and Create Peace In Your Home and Heart

HER HOME & HEART / Simplifying Routines to Reduce Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms - A podcast by Katie Keene, Homeschool Strategy Coach, Special Needs Homeschool Mentor, Overwhelm Reducer, Christian Motherhood Mentor, Holistic Living Guru - Wednesdays

Would you like to stop yelling and feeling out of control? Want the overwhelm to stop? We have all yelled at some point. It feels so terrible. Later we feel disappointed in ourselves, embarrassed, and maybe even ashamed. We don't always know WHAT to do to heal the wound yelling creates, or how to prevent it from happening again. But in our deepest hearts we don't want to do it again. Today I discuss 3 ways that you can stop yelling, and change the entire tone of your home environment. You CAN create a place that feels SAFE for you as the parent, SAFE from your triggers and SAFE to be the parent you want to be. And then your family starts to feel safe too. Are you ready to start LOVING the peace you feel inside? The peace you bring to your home? To your homeschool? To your marriage and motherhood? Then grab your notebook and pen, a hot cup of goodness, and let's dig into a holistic way of BRINGING HOME SOME PEACE!