#014 | Instrument and Equipment Requirements (VFR) | FAR 91.205
FAR AIM | Aviation Reg's | Aeronautical Info | FARAIM - A podcast by Lee, Scott and Robert
As Promised...T - Tachometer (one per engine)O - Oil Pressure Gauge (one per engine using a pressure system)M - Manifold Pressure Gauge (one per "altitude engine")A - Altimeter & Airspeed IndicatorsT - Temperature Gauge (one per liquid cooled engine)O - Oil Temperature Gauge (one per air cooled engine)F - Fuel Gauge (one per fuel tank)L - Landing Gear Position IndicatorA - Anti-Collision Lights (aircraft certified after March 11, 1996)M - Magnetic CompassE - ELT (Emergency Locator Transmi...