Schools Out! ... Forever!??

Fatherhood - A podcast by Fairly Media

Schools have been shut in the UK (for all bar key workers and those in need) since lockdown took effect in March. And one of the many disruptions of coronavirus has been to turn the majority of parents into home educators. And it sure ain't easy...  So Fatherhood has reached out to the home education community to hear some of the tips and potential benefits. We hear from Sara Heard - chef, storyteller and educator - on what a typical day looks like with her primary-age son. And Dawn Waterhouse, who's guided both her daughters right through the secondary school system, all while running her homeopathy business from home. In this episode we'll hear how the techniques of full-time home educators can help parents with children no doubt shook by the change to their usual learning environment. And also how parents can stay sane and positive while taking on the new role of chief educator.  Now it seems the gov't in the UK is preparing schools for a return in June - but it won't be for all ages and some may prefer not to go back until the virus situation is under greater control.  If so, hopefully this episode will help keep the energy up for summer - and maybe help some parents considering a longer term change. Do subscribe to the podcast and share on Twitter and Insta - you'll find us there @fatherhood_pod Happy listening and below are few of links to some introductory home ed resources: