#164- Trauma-Informed Treatment For OCD With Dr. Caitlin Pinciotti

FearCast Podcast - A podcast by Kevin Foss, MFT - Mondays

Today’s audio question is from a listener who has questions about approaching an issue that overlaps their OCD and trauma histories. How do you treat an obsession when it is also a trigger to a past trauma? Luckily, I was able to have clinical psychologist Dr. Caitlin Pinciotti join me to discuss her expertise in the OCD, trauma, and PTSD landscape. To learn more about her research: The National OCD Survey is a brief, 10-minute anonymous survey available to any adult in the U.S. with OCD. We aim to get representation from people with OCD from all 50 U.S. states, so please consider participating and sharing the opportunity with people you know. You can email [email protected] or access the anonymous survey directly at: https://bcmpsych.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9LdbaR2yrj0oV7g Website with OCD/PTSD handouts and the OCD/PTSD treatment providers directory: www.cmpinciotti.com