Episode 109: When Feeding The Mouth Really Begins

Feeding The Mouth That Bites You: Parenting Teens Into Adulthood - A podcast by Kenneth Wilgus, Jessica Pfeiffer - Tuesdays

When should parents start doing planned emancipation? It's hard when you feel like you're the only parent doing it. What about kids that aren't yet thirteen but seem to be very responsible? Should you start emancipation early with that kid? What about older kids who aren't yet thirteen but push back so hard on your efforts to control that you just want to give up? We cover these and other important issues about when to begin Feeding The Mouth That Bites You. Got questions or feedback? We want to hear from you! [email protected] Join us on Patreon for bonus content and more: https://www.patreon.com/FeedingTheMouthThatBitesYou