Episode 147 Valley Food Storage

Fieldcraft Survival - A podcast by FieldCraft Survival

Joe Borowski is an avid outdoorsman, an Eagle Scout, a father and husband who is enthusiastic about shooting, backpacking, gardening, cooking, history and honestly just learning everything he can. After over a decade of grinding out a career in global business for Fortune 100 companies, Joe needed to get back to the woods and found a great fit for his technical acumen and love of the outdoors as the VP of Operations and Innovations for Valley Food Storage - A Long-Term Food Storage Company with a bit of a twist - Making survival food healthy so that we don't just survive but thrive. http://www.valleyfoodstorage.com Text FieldCraft to 29071 save 20% off first order https://www.511tactical.com https://www.tacticalar500targets.com https://warriorflask.com https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/pages/fieldcraftsurvival http://www.killcliff.com http://www.triarcsystems.com (Listen to Ads in episode for discount codes) Follow us: https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/collections/training/training https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcj3FycZBXIPNj7QIBKTIDw https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/ http://www.instagram.com/fieldcraftsurvival https://www.fieldcraftmobility.com https://www.instagram.com/george_teamfieldcraft/?hl=en