Episode 216: Kevin Estela and Aron Snyder (Kifaru)
Fieldcraft Survival - A podcast by FieldCraft Survival
Kevin Estela sits down with Aron Snyder, CEO of Kifaru. They talk about land navigation, hunting tips, and plenty more on this episode of the Fieldcraft Survival podcast. Fieldcraft Live on the Stereo App: We are going live on the Stereo App. Join us Monday mornings at 10 am MDT on Stereo. Join us live for the discussion! https://stereo.com/fieldcraft AFFILIATES: Triarc Systems:http://www.triarcsystems.com (Code: fieldcraft for 5% off) KC Hilites:https://www.kchilites.com (Code: Fieldcraft for 10% off) Personal Defense Network: Go.PersonalDefenseNetwork.com/Survival (Code: for $3 first year membership) Haven Tents: fieldcraftsurvival.com/haventents (Code: FIELDCRAFT for $20 off bundle) Hard Head Veterans: https://www.hardheadveterans.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for $15 off) Uncana: https://uncanna.com (Code: fieldcraft for 10% off) TYR Tactical: http://www.tyrtactical.com (Code: fieldcraft for 15% off) Dometic: https://shop.dometic.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for free shipping) Tembo Tusk: https://tembotusk.com/ (Code: fieldcraftsurvival for 5% off) Kill Cliff:http://www.killcliff.com (Code: Survival10 for 10% off) Kifaru International: https://kifaru.net/ LMNT: http://drinklmnt.com/FieldCraft (Try it for free. Just pay shipping) FOLLOW US: https://fieldcraftsurvival.locals.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcj3FycZBXIPNj7QIBKTIDw https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/ http://www.instagram.com/fieldcraftsurvival