Episode 226: Survival Talks with Austin Lester and Kevin Estela: Survival Fitness
Fieldcraft Survival - A podcast by FieldCraft Survival
Fitness in survival situations is essential for your chance at making it through. In this podcast, Kevin Estela and Austin Lester talk about the standards for fitness that serve as a reference for one's ability. They each talk about the different minimum standards they have set for themselves in terms of fitness. AFFILIATES: Athletic Greens: athleticgreens.com/fieldcraft (FREE year supply of Vitamin D and 5 free travel packs today) Triarc Systems: http://www.triarcsystems.com (Code: fieldcraft for 5% off) Kifaru: https://kifaru.net/ KC Hilites: https://www.kchilites.com (Code: Fieldcraft for 10% off) Haven Tents: fieldcraftsurvival.com/haventents (Code: FIELDCRAFT for $20 off bundle) USCCA: http://www.uscca.com/fieldcraft Personal Defense Network: Go.PersonalDefenseNetwork.com/Survival (Code: $3 for your first year of membership) Hard Head Veterans: https://www.hardheadveterans.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for $15 off) Uncanna: https://uncanna.com (Code: fieldcraft for 10% off) Dometic: https://shop.dometic.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for free shipping) Tembo Tusk: https://tembotusk.com/ (Code: fieldcraftsurvival for 5% off) Headspace: https://www.headspace.com/FIELDCRAFT (Free one-month trial) LMNT: http://drinklmnt.com/FieldCraft (Try it for free. Just pay shipping) Bespoke Post: https://www.bespokepost.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for 20% off your first) FOLLOW US: https://fieldcraftsurvival.locals.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcj3FycZBXIPNj7QIBKTIDw https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/ http://www.instagram.com/fieldcraftsurvival