Episode 372: Tales of Adventure and Survival with Jordan Jonas from ALONE

Fieldcraft Survival - A podcast by FieldCraft Survival

Jordan Jonas of ALONE fame joins Kevin Estela of Fieldcraft Survival in this week's podcast. Jonas describes his background living with an indigenous tribe in Russia  as well as the process of learning skills that ultimately helped him win the $500,000 grand prize. On the show, Jonas hunted a 900 pound moose, caught fish under the ice with a net, killed a wolverine with his bare hands, and showcased bushcraft skills in expert fashion. Jonas currently provides extended wilderness learning experiences through his company and shares his passion for the outdoors. He can be found at www.jordanjonas.com and @hobojordo on Instagram. Sponsors and Affiliates: ⁠Babbel⁠: 55% off subscription with FIELDCRAFT ⁠⁠Athletic Greens⁠⁠: athleticgreens.com/FIELDCRAFT for FREE One Year Supply of Vitamin D, 5 Travel Packs with first purchase ⁠⁠Vertx⁠⁠: Code fieldcraft for 20% off ⁠HOIST Hydration⁠: Code fieldcraft10 for 10% off ⁠Ketone-IQ⁠: 15% Off with code FIELDCRAFT ⁠Oakley⁠: 15: off with code FIELDCRAFT15 ⁠Ten Thousand⁠: 15% Off with code FIELDCRAFT ⁠KC Hilites⁠: Code: fieldcraft for 10% off ⁠Anthem Snacks⁠: Code FIELDCRAFT15 for 15% off ⁠USCCA⁠ ⁠Kifaru⁠ FOLLOW US: ⁠Fieldcraft Survival Youtube⁠ ⁠Fieldcraft Survival Instagram⁠ ⁠Fieldcraft Survival Website