Christine Trimpe: A Countdown to Christmas Advent Journey Through the Gospel of Luke

Fierce Calling - A podcast by Doris Swift - Tuesdays

Need a little help with your Advent devotions? Well, I've got good news! Today we're talking about a countdown to Christmas advent journey through the Gospel of Luke. My guest today is author, speaker, and joy seeker, Christine Trimpe. You may recognize her name because she's been on the show before, but this time we're talking all things Christmas. We're also talking about Christine's brand new book that will help you discover deeper meaning and the awe-inspiring connection from Bethlehem to Calvary. Because Christmas means more than celebrating the birth of our Savior, it means we have a King who put on flesh, dwelt among us, went to the cross in our place, rose again, and He is coming back for His church. That's us, friend! Experiencing Advent and Joy Overflowing Christine wants to share how the world can experience overflowing joy. Her heart is to share her love of Jesus and her love of Christmas through helping others ditch the stress of commercialism and receive the peace that this season truly brings. I know what Christine has to share will encourage, inspire, and challenge you, so listen in while I have another chat with Christine Trimpe... Favorite Quotes from the show... "One of my biggest passions out of this whole project is to get women in the word every day. ""You can do anything for 24 days." --Christine Trimpe The journey begins on December 1st in Luke chapter 1 and continues daily through the Gospel for 24 days plus a final Christmas devotion. Grab your devotional before the countdown! Connect with Christine! You can connect with Christine at and grab her amazing book Seeking Joy Through the Gospel of Luke: A Christmas to Calvary Advent Countdown for you and as gifts. Plus find her here: Contact email: [email protected]: www.christinetrimpe.comSocial media links:Facebook: @ChristineTrimpe Listen to my previous episode with Christine On a previous Fierce Calling episode with Christine (mentioned in the show), we talked about her weight loss journey and more. Listen in... Satisfying Our Hunger with the Bread of Life. More about Christine... Christine Trimpe is an author, speaker, joy seeker, and weight-loss warrior. After losing over a hundred pounds in her joy-filled journey of healing, God instilled a passion within her to inspire, motivate, and encourage women to pursue healthy, holy living— body, mind, and spirit. Christine speaks and writes for women all over the world, sharing the freedom Christ offers when we choose the path of surrender and sacrifice. Connect with me and if you love Fierce Calling, please leave a review on Podchaser. Thanks, friend! If you like listening to Fierce Calling, I would so appreciate it if you would take a moment to follow, rate, and leave a review over at Podchaser! It helps others discover the show too! I'd also love to connect with you so reach out to me here on my Contact Page! Check out my speaking page, grab my flyer,