Cindy DeBoer~Are We Living What We Say We Believe?

Fierce Calling - A podcast by Doris Swift - Tuesdays

What happens when we live out what we say we believe? In today's episode, Are We Living What We Say We Believe? Cindy DeBoer shares how she and her husband seemingly had it all--great kids, a beautiful home, luxury cars, family, friends, a great church, lucrative careers--yet there was something missing. Their marriage was good but not great, why? Because there were things in the past they needed to share with each other so they could work through it and move forward. It was then they were able to ask God this loaded question: "How shall we live if we really want to live what we say we believe?" When we ask God a question like that we need to be prepared for His answer. God did answer them in a powerful and unexpected way. Hear how God seemingly turned their lives upside down, when in fact as Cindy puts it, it was right side up. She also shares what God is teaching her about being thankful in hard seasons, including her serious and progressive lung disease. I know what Cindy has to share will encourage, inspire, and challenge you, so listen in while I have a chat with Cindy DeBoer. I hope what Cindy shared inspired and challenged you to walk deeper in God's word and take action where your passion, compassion, and conviction intersect. What encouraged you most about Cindy's story? It reminded me of the story of the rich young ruler, only flipped. The man asked Jesus what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. He had kept all the commandments since his youth, yet when Jesus asked him to sell all his worldly possessions and follow Him, he could not part with his stuff. He could not part with the stuff he couldn't take with him into eternal life. We need to let that sink in a bit. Are we brave enough to ask God these kinds of questions and brave enough to be obedient when He answers? We would hope so but we'll never know until we ask. I pray we all have the boldness and courage to ask God how we should be living if we lived what we say we believe. Cindy's blog and title of her book/memoir were inspired by this quote: “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”—C.S. LEWIS Favorite Quotes from the show "...all we could think about was how to bless others, how to give more away, how to live more simply--how to live simply so others can simply live." - Cindy DeBoer "The world needs more brave Christians." - Cindy DeBoer Spread the Word Could you do me a huge favor, friend? Could you please share this episode with friends who need to hear Cindy's story? Connect with Cindy! You can connect with Cindy at and download her free resource to discover 12 Ways the pandemic is making you a better person. More About Cindy Cindy DeBoer is a blogger, psychiatric nurse, and recovering “unmissionary.” With her popular and timely blog, Far, Far Better Things, Cindy reveals the gritty, yet life-giving journey her family discovered as they began to live truer to their faith. Her blog centers on how she and her family gave up on the American Dream, left lucrative careers, lived in nearly 100% Muslim Morocco, and now follow Christ in the inner city of Grand Rapids.