Dr. Bryan McIntosh: We Were Made for Eden

Fierce Calling - A podcast by Doris Swift - Tuesdays

Have you ever thought about God's true plan and design for us? The amazing truth is we were made for Eden. Doesn't that strike a chord in you? It does in me. My guest today is Dr. Bryan McIntosh. We're talking about his new book Made for Eden: Promises and Provisions of the Life God Created! This amazing book... reminds readers of the glorious purpose God had for mankind;reveals the implications of Jesus’s sacrifice;defines the crucified life Jesus produces in and for his disciples;displays Jesus as the gateway to restoring us to our created purpose. Isn't that a powerful message? Listen in and hear Dr. Bryan unpack all of this and more for us! By the Way... Fierce Calling is on the Spark Network which can be found on the Edifi App! Fierce Calling is one of many Christian podcasts available on the Edifi app. To listen to this podcast and other amazing Christian podcasts, go to the Apple or Google Play stores and download the app today! Favorite Quote from We Were Made For Eden... "God is pleased when we live out our purpose He ordained for us...""Only God as our creater can tell us how we're doing in our purpose." --Dr. Bryan McIntosh Connect with Dr. Bryan! You can connect with Dr. Bryan McIntosh at madeforeden.org, and grab his book... More about Dr. Bryan McIntosh... Dr. Bryan McIntosh A native of Dalton, GA, Bryan is a 1992 graduate of Duke University with a BA in Public Policy and Political Science.  He received his M.Div. from Columbia International University in 1995, and a Ph.D. in New Testament from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2003. Bryan has been married for 27 years to Lynn, and they have 2 daughters, Sarah and Ann, ages 25 and 21.  He enjoys hiking, traveling, sports, and days at the beach. He loves the Bible and finding connections among its many books and themes. This pursuit is the reason Made for Eden was written. Let's Stay Connected! Can I give you a gift? Just scroll down and grab my free resources! Love Fierce Calling? By following, rating, and leaving a review over at Podchaser, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts you can help others discover the show too! Do You Need a Speaker for Your Next Women's Event? Check out my speaking page, grab my flyer, and let's talk about me speaking at your next women's event... I love speaking God's truth into the lives of women! Free Gifts for You... Grab one of my free downloads by scrolling down to the bottom of the page! Love & God's Perfect Peace to You!