Sarah Geringer: Adult Children of Divorce, Healthy Boundaries, and Healing in Christ

Fierce Calling - A podcast by Doris Swift - Tuesdays

There's no way around it--divorce is painful and the trauma has a ripple effect. My guest today is Sarah Geringer and we're talking about adult children of divorce, healthy boundaries, and healing in Christ. Sarah knows first-hand about the trauma adult children suffer when parents divorce. She's lived it. And she is one of 60 million who are living it. In this impactful episode, we'll hear Sarah's story and what she's learned about setting healthy boundaries. She shares encouragement and hope for others who are struggling and how God continues to be faithful and kind throughout the healing process. The episode runs a little longer than my average show and I considered making it a two-parter. After listening to it again, I knew it needed to stay as one cohesive show. You'll want to listen all the way through because there are so many great nuggets of hope and beauty. Plus, she's all about Bible literacy and in her own words, "showing people that every problem that they have has a solution in Scripture." I know what Sarah has to share will encourage, inspire, and challenge you--so listen in while I have a chat with Sarah Geringer. By The Way... Fierce Calling is on the Spark Network which can be found on the Edifi App! Fierce Calling is one of many Christian podcasts available on the Edifi app. To listen to this podcast and other amazing Christian podcasts, go to the Apple or Google Play stores and download the app today! Check out the book Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life Back by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. Favorite Quotes from Adult Children of Divorce, Healthy Boundaries, and Healing in Christ "How many times has my 'yes' meant something besides just yes?...How many times have I not even said no when I should have said no?" "...God wants to heal us in community.""...isolation is where Satan does his masterwork so if we get in community, we're actually fighting back against the devil because it's in isolation that he keeps us in bondage." --Sarah Geringer Connect with Sarah! You can connect with Sarah at, sign up for her Tea on Tuesdays newsletter, and find the resources and all her books mentioned in the show and more! More about Sarah... Sarah Geringer Sarah Geringer is a writer, speaker, podcaster, artist, book launch manager, creative coach and author of five books. She is on the devotional writing teams for Proverbs 31 Ministries, Hope-Full Living, Kingdom Edge Magazine and Woman 2 Woman Ministries. When she’s not reading over 100 books per year, Sarah enjoys painting, baking, gardening and playing the flute. Her daily must-haves are hot tea, dark chocolate, and fresh flowers. She is a fifth-generation resident of Missouri, where she lives with her three children. Sarah writes about finding peace in God’s Word at Let's Stay Connected! Scroll down and grab my free resources! When you do you will also receive a monthly newsletter with encouragement and great resources! Love Fierce Calling? By following, rating, and leaving a review over at Podchaser, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts you can help others discover the show too! Do You Need a Speaker for Your Next Women's Event? Check out my speaking page,